I never used Gloup before, how does it work?
Are you going to use Gloup for the first time and you don’t know how to? If you follow these steps below you have the best chance on a successful and positive experience.
- Taste Gloup first without any medication, so you can get used to the texture and flavour of the product;
- Start with just 1 tablet or pill and expand to multiple tablets per intake at once later;
- Put the pill/tablet on a spoon;
- Add Gloup (approx. 5 ml) to the spoon. Make sure that the entire pill is covered with Gloup;
- Swallow all at once;
- Gloup can be used with both entire and crushed tablets. Always check with your pharmacist whether your tablets are allowed to be crushed;
- If you do not swallow your medication successfully the first time, please keep in mind that you have to get used to the texture of the gel as it would be your first time using this product. Try multiple times and you eventually get there, don’t be discouraged by failed attempts;
- Gloup is slippery and slides down your throat easily. People that crush their medication often no longer need to do that with the use of Gloup® as they can now easily swallow the entire tablet! It is always best practice not to crush if not needed.
Why NOT to take medication with food?
- Apple sauce, apple juice and orange juice have a negative impact on lots of medication
- Grapefruit juice in combination with specific medication leads to massive overdose
- The use of yoghurt decreases efficacy of many pills/ tablets
- Many pills are not allowed to be taken with dairy products
- Cafeine decreases OR increases efficacy of specific medication
- Do you want to read the studies that state above facts? Let us know
Do you crush your medication?
A lot of people crush their medication. In some cases this is no problem and crushing is allowed without having an impact on the efficacy of the medication. However in a lot of cases it could be a serious problem. Did you ever hear about a slow-release tablet? This kind of tablet has a coating designed to release a small amount of active ingredient during multiple hours of the day (even up to 24 hours). Your body gets small amounts of the active ingredient every time. By crushing the tablet, this coating is destroyed, which means that the full amount of active ingredient is released at once in the stomach. This can lead to very serious health issues, as you are in fact giving yourself an overdosage. From study we even know that this has lead to deaths in the past.
Another important coating exists: the enteric coating. This coating is resistant to the stomach acid and is present for two important reasons: the first one is protection of the stomach wall. The active ingredient of this specific given medication can be irritating for the stomach wall. The enteric coating is added to protect the stomach wall against stomach ulcers. Because of this coating, the active ingredient is only released after it has past the stomach, so the stomach wall does not absorb the medication. The second reason for this coating is protection of the active ingredient against stomach acid. If the coating would not be present, the drugs would be in contact with the stomach acid. However, in these cases the stomach acid will inactivate the active ingredient. In other words: the medication is no longer effective, and the medication will not work as intended.
Meanwhile lots of people have discovered Gloup and they no longer have to crush their pills. Because Gloup covers your tablet completely, it is much easier to swallow. As it slides down the throat so easily, people are no longer afraid that the pills will get stuck in their throats. So the medication will do exactly what they need to be doing!